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Farmer's Weeder

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EZ280 Farmer's Weeder by Zenport

  • Stand up weed removal tool
  • 48-inch wood handle
  • Unique lever design which allows you to easily pull out tough weeds.

Farmer's Weeder is a stand up weed removal tool that makes pulling weeds easy and fun! It works by simply leveraging the weed out of the ground! You can even use it to dig up larger plants.
No more bending over or kneeling in the yard! This tool is one of the most effective ways to get rid of all kinds of weeds including dandelions, thistles, chickweed, and many others!Farmer's Weeder is easy to use. Simply place Farmer's Weeder over the center of the weed, press down, and lean the 4-foot wood handle. The 5-inch lever and 4 x 2.5-inch tines does all the work!
The weeder’s earth piercing head and lever is made from durable, heavy-duty steel. The handle is comfortable to use and offers the perfect length.
Farmer's Weeder makes weeding quick and easy so you can get back to more important things - like planting beautiful flowers or vegetables in your garden.
Farmer's Weeder is the ultimate gardening tool for home or commercial use.

Additional information

Weight3.1 lbs
Dimensions52.5 × 6.1 × 2.1 in



Manufacturer Part Number


Zenport Industries

Zenport Industries is a worldwide leader in the manufacturing and marketing of professional and consumer specialty horticulture tools and supplies for the lawn and garden, landscape, irrigation and agriculture markets. Zenport products are available worldwide via our retail and distributor networks.
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